HW 7 Solutions

due November 15

Last modified 11/23/99 --PR
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You can do this assignment in pairs, but not in groups larger than two.


Chapters 9, 10,  11.1-11.2, Supplement on OOP; Supplement with shopping cart example

Optional: Supplement with Java program for bank account


This is a hands-on assignment. An account has been created for you on the database server running on the machine ebola.si.umich.edu. Your account gives you access to a database that has already been created, with some tables already populating that database. You can use SQL commands to create new tables, but you will not need to do that for this assignment and, in fact, you will not be able to create new tables because of the permissions we set up on your database account.

Getting Started

  1. Using your favorite SSH program, connect to "ebola.si.umich.edu". I suggest you use Tera Term SSH application available on DIAD machines. Use the username si540. Junho will send you email with a password (don't use your UMICH uniqname and password).



    Alternately, you can do a telnet session to login.si.umich.edu or login.umich.edu and then type:

    ssh ebola.si.umich.edu -l si540

    If it says that "host key not found from the list of known hosts", you should respond "yes" to confirm that you want to continue. It will then ask you for a password.

  3. Log in to the MySQL database server by typing one of the following. You may find it convenient to copy and paste this text into your SSH window, rather than retyping (hit the 'enter' key at the end of the line)
  4. or

  5. The database server will ask for your password. Enter the second password Junho assigned to you, the one for the mySQL server.
  6. When you are connected, you will see the follwing text and MySql prompt
  7.  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
     Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 3.22.25
     Type 'help' for help.
  8. Once you are connected, do the following things to see what databases are available inside the database server.
  9. mysql> show databases;
    (If you forget the ; it will keep prompting you until you type one)
  10. Scroll up and down to find your own database. As you can see, your unique name is used for your database name.  Connect to your database by the following command.  (for example, mine will be junsong)
  11. mysql> connect junsong;
  12. Do the following in order to see what tables are inside the database.
  13. mysql> show tables;

    You should see three tables, "class", "course" and "entry".  If you don't see all three tables, let me know.

  14. If you want to see details about "course" table, type following
  15. Mysql> describe course;

    Then, your course table structure will show up.

  16. If you want to see what's inside class table, do the following.
    mysql> select * from class;

    You should be able to see about four hundred entries.


Now, let's do the fun part. You'll be writing some SQL queries, executing them, and then looking at the results. Suggestion: use a word processor or the Notepad application to write your queries, then cut and paste them into the SSH window. That way, if you make a typo or don't get the response you were expecting, you can edit your query and cut and paste again. You can also use the arrow keys to make your previous commands appear again, so you can edit or reexecute them.

Warning: you do *not* have the latest version of the course catalog database. Query results won't match exactly with what's shown on the SI web site.

When you're satisfied with your query, cut and paste the query and output from the SSH window into a Word document that you'll turn in as your solution set to be graded.

You may find some of the following samples helpful. Try guessing what they'll do. Then try running them to see what they actually do. Finally, you may want to copy and edit them in order to answer some of the questions below.

select courseid, coursenumber, coursename from course where coursenumber = 603;
select courseid, coursename from course where isdtk='true' and coursename LIKE '%SGML and XML%';
INSERT INTO course VALUES('999','306','SI540','Current','540','SI540 Homework Exercise','10','NO','FALSE','FALSE','FALSE','FALSE','0','FALSE','FALSE','FALSE','FALSE','FALSE','FALSE','FALSE','FALSE','FALSE');
select * from course where courseid=999;
select count(*) as total from course where coursenumber= 603;
select isarm, count(*) from course group by isarm;
select coursename from course, class where course.courseid=class.xrefcourseid and class.yearoffered=1998 and class.termoffered='summer';
(Q1: 1 point) Show, for all and only the foundation classes,  the course id, number and course name.
mysql> select coursename
    -> from course
    -> where isfoundation = "TRUE";
| coursename                                                |
| Use of Information                                        |
| Choice and Learning                                       |
| Technology in Design: Methods and Means                   |
| Search and Retrieval                                      |
| Social Systems and Collections                            |
| Design and Management of Information Systems and Services |
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)
(Q2: 1 point) Show the course ids and course names for all and only those courses which are required by HCI specialization.
mysql> select courseid, coursename
    -> from course
    -> where ishci = "required";
| courseid | coursename                                |
| 21       | Evaluation of Systems and Services        |
| 178      | Fundamentals of Human Behavior            |
| 213      | W99 Special Topics: User Interface Design |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)
(Q3: 1 point) Show  course ids and course names for all and only those courses whose names contain either the word archive or database.
mysql> select courseid, coursename
    -> from course
    -> where coursename LIKE "%archive%" OR coursename LIKE "%database%";
| courseid | coursename                                      |
| 13       | Introduction to Archives and Records Management |
| 56       | Seminar: Problems in Administration of Archives |
| 63       | Archives Practicum                              |
| 92       | Searching Automated Databases                   |
| 107      | Databases and the Web                           |
| 155      | Online Searching and Databases                  |
| 248      | Database application design                     |
| 292      | Microsoft Access Databases & the Web            |
| 298      | Introduction to Archives & Records Management   |
9 rows in set (0.01 sec)
(Q4: 2 points) Insert the following class information into the appropriate table.  Then write a query to show the  data you just entered.

classid: 777
xrefcourseid: 603
yearoffered:  9999
termoffered: FALL
classsection: 9
discgroup: FALSE

mysql> INSERT INTO class VALUES('777','999','9999','FALL', '9','FALSE');
ERROR 1062: Duplicate entry '777' for key 1

Note: I had already entered this command once before, so I got this error message.

mysql> select *
    -> from class
    -> where classid = '777';
| classid | xrefcourseid | yearoffered | termoffered | classsection | discgroup |
| 777     | 999          | 9999        | FALL        | 9            | FALSE     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
(Q5: 1 point) Write a query that calculates the number of classes that were offered in the winter of 1998.
mysql> select count(*)
-> from class
-> where termoffered = 'WINTER' and yearoffered = '1998';
| count(*) |
| 41 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
(Q6: 2 points) Write a single query that calculates for each term how many classes were offered.
mysql> select termoffered, yearoffered, count(*)
    -> from class
    -> group by yearoffered, termoffered;
| termoffered | yearoffered | count(*) |
| Fall        | 1997        |       42 |
| Fall        | 1998        |       50 |
| Spring      | 1998        |       24 |
| Summer      | 1998        |       19 |
| Winter      | 1998        |       41 |
| Fall        | 1999        |       48 |
| Spring      | 1999        |       25 |
| Summer      | 1999        |       15 |
| Winter      | 1999        |       60 |
| Winter      | 2000        |       39 |
| FALL        | 9999        |        1 |
11 rows in set (0.01 sec)
(Q7: 2 points) Show course names and term offered for all advanced courses offered in 1999.
 mysql> select coursename, termoffered
    -> from course, class
    -> where course.courseid=class.xrefcourseid and
    -> class.yearoffered=1999 and course.isadvanced='true';
| coursename                                                          | termoffered |
| Collection Development and Management                               | Winter   |
| Professional Practice in Libraries and Information Centers          | Winter   |
| Medical Informatics                                                 | Winter   |
| Management of Electronic Records                                    | Winter   |
| Evaluation of Systems and Services                                  | Winter   |
| Human-Computer Interaction Software Projects Lab                    | Winter   |
| Information Economics                                               | Winter   |
| W99 Special Topics: Advanced Integrated Media Production            | Winter   |
| Special Topics: Current Issues in School Libraries                  | Winter   |
| Organization and Representation of Multimedia Information Resources | Winter   |
| Subject-Focused Information Resources and Services: Social Sciences | Winter   |
| Subject-Focused Information Resources and Services: Government      | Winter   |
| Fundamentals of Human Behavior                                      | Winter   |
| Directed Field Experience                                           | Winter   |
| PE: Cultural Heritage Ourreach                                      | Winter   |
| PE: Digital Librarianship                                           | Winter   |
| PE: Community Information Systems                                   | Winter   |
| PE: University Learning Environment                                 | Winter   |
| Special Topics: Seminar in Organization Studies (ICOS)              | Winter   |
| Information Ethics and Policy                                       | Winter   |
| Independent Study                                                   | Winter   |
| Directed Research                                                   | Winter   |
| Dissertation/Precandidate                                           | Winter   |
| Dissertation/Candidate                                              | Winter   |
| W99 Special Topics: Managing the Information Technology Org         | Winter   |
| W99 Special Topics: User Interface Design                           | Winter   |
| Special Topics: Design of Complex Web Sites                         | Winter   |
| Database application design                                         | Winter   |
| Special Topics: Current Issues in Special Libraries                 | Winter   |
| PE: Digital Librarianship                                           | Winter   |
| PE: Digital Librarianship                                           | Winter   |
| Directed Field Experience                                           | Spring   |
| Access Systems for Archival Materials                               | Fall   |
| Seminar: Problems in Administration of Archives                     | Fall   |
| Information Resources and Services                                  | Fall   |
| Information Visualization                                           | Fall   |
| Concepts of Information Retrieval                                   | Fall   |
| Online Searching and Databases                                      | Fall   |
| Information Policy                                                  | Fall   |
| Directed Field Experience                                           | Fall   |
| Internship/Independent Study                                        | Fall   |
| PE: Digital Librarianship                                           | Fall   |
| PE: University Learning Environment                                 | Fall   |
| Special Topics: Seminar in Organization Studies (ICOS)              | Fall   |
| Independent Study                                                   | Fall   |
| Directed Research                                                   | Fall   |
| Dissertation/Precandidate                                           | Fall   |
| Dissertation/Candidate                                              | Fall   |
| Directed Field Experience                                           | Summer   |
| Independent Study                                                   | Summer   |
| Directed Research                                                   | Summer   |
| Dissertation/Precandidate                                           | Summer   |
| Dissertation/Candidate                                              | Summer   |
| Independent Study                                                   | Spring   |
| Directed Research                                                   | Spring   |
| Dissertation/Precandidate                                           | Spring   |
| Dissertation/Candidate                                              | Spring   |
| PE: Community Information Systems                                   | Fall   |
| Design in a Mosaic of Responsive Adaptive Systems (MoRAS)           | Fall   |
| Community Information: Knowledge and Skills                         | Fall   |
60 rows in set (0.02 sec)