Beyond Bowling Together: SocioTechnical Capital

Paul Resnick.

A slightly edited version appears as Chapter 29 in "HCI in the New Millenium", edited by John M. Carroll. Addison-Wesley. 2002, pages 247-272.

Paper in MS Word format (PDF format)

PowerPoint Presentation to MOCHI, July 12, 2000


Social resources like trust and shared identity make it easier for people to work and play together. Such social resources are sometimes referred to as social capital. Thirty years ago, Americans built social capital as a side effect of participation in civic organizations and social activities, including bowling leagues. Today, they do so far less frequently (Putnam 2000) .  HCI researchers and practitioners need to find new ways for people to interact that will generate even more social capital than bowling together does. A new theoretical construct, SocioTechnical Capital, provides a framework for generating and evaluating technology-mediated social relations.